Thursday, April 5, 2007

t - 3 days

"Short is the little time which remains to thee of life. Live as on a mountain". - Marcus Aurelius

This is likely to be my last post before I step on Nepalese soil and the excitement and anticipation is starting to reach epic proportions. I am mostly packed and really only have to select the books to bring with me, and this may prove to be one the most difficult planning phases. 21 days is a long time to be stuck with crumby reading material and I have learned my lesson after twice thinking that a trip into the woods would be a great place to read "Walden: or a life in the woods", on the latter trip it did, however, serve as great fire starter so all was not lost. I have reserved tomorrow afternoon for procurring fine literature and if all else fails I will bring along the always worthy "Unbearable lightness of being". In all other regards I'm ready for launch and can't wait to start trekking.
While I intend to try and keep my blog up to date, you will likely see few new posts during the time I spend outside of Kathmandu, which is to say most of my trip. While development has occured quite rapidly along the Everest basecamp route, I will be mostly trekking through regions which have been far less influenced by tourism (be it good or bad) and thus internet access is unlikely. And to be perfectly honest I wouldn't really want it any other way. There is a sense of peace that I desperately seek that can only be found when life is experienced at its simplest. I'm going to cut this post short lest I start sounding like Henry David Thoreau and alienate those of you reading my blog, but before I do I just wish to say to my family and friends that I love you all and I will see you in a month's time.

1 comment:

Pho'Rèal said...

Hey, though i don't know how much peace you will be able to find reading dostoyevsky and playing cards with chirpas, I'm sure you will come back from you journey with a fresh outlook, thirst for more mountaineering and taste for travel. i leave you with this quote, the only 1 i ever use, you crazy quoter you! 'Nun liegt es surglos in den ofnen Rosen' -rilke
ps: at the qatar airport on your way back, could you please pick up some jpg 'le male' for me. if it's under 50 d=(^o^)=b