Thursday, May 17, 2007

April 25, 2007

"Climbing would be a great, truly wonderful thing if it weren't for all that damn climbing." — John Ohrenschall

I got to sleep in today until 7:30 and its hard to describe a greater feeling of bliss then knowing there is nowhere to go today, no passes to cross, no mountains to scale, don't get me wrong I love doing these things thats why I'm here, but occassional break does the body and mind a world of good. I feel almost like a new man today as it was warm enough to wash my hair. Its amazing how something so simple can feel so great. It had been ages since I last lathered up my hair because its always been subzero temperatures when the opportunity has arise.
My face is in a perpetual state of crispiness, I apply sunscreen but I guess the solar radiation is too intense for the frequency with which I apply it.
I was startled last night while answering the call of nature by a herd of yaks, how many people can say that?
This afternoon Kaji and I will hike upto Island peak basecamp if the weather cooperates, shouldn't take more than 1-2 hours as there isn't any real change in elevation nor is the distance great. Every thing in my tent is covered in a fine layer of dust. I really should shut my tent door to prevent this invasion but it has been days since we've been able to lounge about in such warm fine weather that I can't bring myself to do it.
As of today I only have 13 days left in Nepal and roughly only 10-11 days left on this expedition. It has gone by entirely all too fast. If I can swing it I will definently return to Nepal, possibly to climb Cho Oyu. I love Nepal and Kathmandu. Lovely, now my lemon tea is covered in dust, well I suppose I've got my mineral intake for the day covered.
To anyone who has or had concerns about my asthma acting up in this rarified air you can rest easy as I have suffered no ill effects.
The situation here has turned suddenly dire, we are down to our last four tea bags after which I will be forced to consume "coffee". The "coffee" I speak of is quite dreadful and hardly deserves classification as anything other than black bitter acidic liquid. It makes me long for a cup of Maxwell house instant decaf, now perhaps you can see how dire things have truely become. With any luck the weather will hold and we can procure more tea in a few days.
Lips are in a bad way having been over exposed to the sun and wind, constantly cracking, a lesson to always use ample chapstick. Tongue is similarily in bad shape with all taste buds seemingly gone off the fron tip and only sensation felt is pain. Its amazing how slow the body seems to recuperate.

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